Tips for Posing Business Partners in Brand Photography Sessions

At this point in my brand photography career, I can pretty much pose solo entrepreneurs in my sleep. But, when I have to pose business partners, I still tend to get a little nervous. It’s important to ensure that brand partners look connected. However, it’s easy to accidentally make that connection look more romantic than professional. So, here’s a list of my best tips for posing business partners during personal branding sessions.


1. Keep the connection.

Do not, I repeat, do not just pose your clients standing side by side. Not only does it make your subjects look awkward and stiff, but it also causes them to appear totally disconnected from one another. Instead of presenting a united front, images that don’t somehow connect the partners will likely leave an audience wondering if your clients even like each other!

So, have your clients touch or lean into each other in group photos to create that visual connection. This will communicate that they enjoy working together and are a solid team. Poses with one client’s hand on the other’s shoulder, the partners linking arms, back-to-back, or one leaning into the other work well to show connection without looking couple-y.

2. Incorporate movement and action.

If you’ve seen any of my work, you know I’m a sucker for a good movement shot. I can almost guarantee that my client will be on their feet, walking around for a good portion of any branding shoot. So, you probably aren’t surprised that incorporating movement is one of my tips for posing business partners.

I love to have my group clients link arms and look at and away from each other as they walk toward my camera. I also give them prompts to get them to talk and laugh together as they move around. Another great posing idea is incorporating a brand-related prop like a phone or laptop. You can have your clients carry props in movement shots or prompt them to talk, laugh, or interact with each other over a brand item.

3. Mix up heights and poses.

You’ll probably be tempted to have your clients mirror each other. It might seem like a good idea to have everyone pose with hands in pockets, a hand on the hip, etc. However, I find it’s best to mix up your client’s poses as much as is natural. Make sure your clients’ hands and legs are placed differently from each other, stagger their sitting heights, or have them posed at different angles. Ultimately, this will give you much more interest and variation in your group shots.

I hope these tips for posing business partners help you navigate your next group branding session! Combining these tips with my brand photographer’s planning template will make you feel more prepared for your shoots than ever. And I’d love to support your business even more with one-on-one mentor sessions!


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