Book Your First Brand Photography Client: Top 3 Strategies

What’s the best way to book your first brand photography client? Booking your first branding session can be challenging, but it’s not impossible! As someone who has built a successful personal brand photography business from the ground up, I’m here to share what I’ve learned.

Whether you’ve already been working as a photographer for years or are just starting out, jumping into brand photography can be a bit of a learning curve. Still, in the end, it is so worth it. Additionally, I’d love to support you along your journey! Here on the blog, I share new tips and insights weekly. Also, I offer one-on-one, results-driven business coaching for photographers. Let me help you achieve your goals!

Now, on to the list! If you try these three strategies, you will book your first brand photography client in no time.


Strategy 1: Soft pitch a brand you know you can help.

Do you have an ideal client in mind? Do you know of a brand that fits that description and could benefit from a branding session? If that brand isn’t already working with a brand photographer, start engaging with them on social media. Follow them and like and comment on some of their posts. Then slide into their DMs to start a conversation! After you chat a bit, share why you love their brand and soft pitch your services.

Strategy 2:  Start with mini sessions.

Host a mini session day! These quick, condensed sessions will help you quickly create new content to share on your website and socials. And not only do mini sessions give you more images for your marketing strategy, but they also give you a chance to make a lot of contacts within a single day. You should also use mini sessions as an opportunity to upsell digital images!

Strategy 3: When all else fails, offer a free session.

Contact a brand and offer a complimentary shoot. While this is neither my first nor favorite way to get started, sometimes it’s necessary. If you’re brand new and have absolutely no brand experience, a free session can be an excellent way to build your confidence and get your feet wet while also connecting with a brand. After one or two no-charge sessions, you’ll feel more confident in your skills and value. Then, you can start booking paid sessions!

I hope these tips help you book your first brand photography client and get your business started on the right footing! Once you book your first brand photography client, you’ll need to plan the session, so be sure to stop by my online shop and check out my brand photography session planning template. There, you’ll also find my free brand photographer’s style guide. You can also take advantage of discounts on my favorite workflow tools. Finally, stay tuned for new items coming soon!


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